The new way to sell properties
The only app that connects real estate agents with highly qualified clients anywhere in the world.
Sell properties in just 5 steps
A hassle-free and effective way to find highly specialized clients
Start now
Download the app
Fill out a short form on this page and download the app to your cell phone.
Get everything ready to sell
Quickly register your essential information and add descriptions, photos and videos of your properties, all directly through the app on your cell phone.
Get ready to welcome more customers
Match House does an intelligent search in your area and finds people looking for a new property in the regions you frequent and automatically connects your properties to customers via geolocation
Be seen
In seconds, it analyzes these users' preferences and compares them with the characteristics of your property. Both compatible? Your property profile appears on that person's cell phone screen.
Enjoy the new way of selling properties
Was the client interested in your property? It's a match. You are notified in the app and can contact your customer via the app in Brazil, Portugal or the United States.
Work much less.
Earn much more.
Only work with highly qualified clients
An intelligent application that analyzes users' preferences and compares them with the characteristics of your property.

So, when a match happens, you can be sure that you are working with the best type of client.

Avoid wasting your time with merely curious people and completely unproductive visits.
Download the app now
Everything a real estate agent needs
Everything you can do within Match House:
Customize your profile
Your customers can give reviews and comments about your premium service and generate more and more sales.
Advertise all properties
Commercial and residential properties, apartments, houses, farms... list all types of properties.
Provide relevant information
Place descriptions, 360° videos, photos, comments... everything your client needs to know about your property in one place.
With all the advantages you always wanted
No competing on price

A property can only be listed once, by a single real estate agent. Avoiding unproductive competition and ensuring that your property is always sold at the best price.
Sell anytime...
Leave the app open in the background and receive matches from people interested in your property at any time of the day and wherever you are.
Discover the two launch phases of Match House
1. Pre-Launch
Você está aqui!
We select qualified real estate agents to use all the advantages of the app and be part of the founding members of Match House.
Data: Setembro/2023
2. Lançamento 🎉
Official launch of Match House. Open to the public and with all features available.
Data: Novembro/2023

Common questions

Are we Real Estate?


No. Match House is a mobile app that connects real estate agents with highly qualified clients.

Do we receive part of your sales fees?


No. We don't even get paid a dollar extra for your sales...We just connect you to your ideal customers.

Is Match House paid?


The investment will be just a small fraction of what you will receive by selling just a single property with our app.

Preciso ficar procurando clientes no app?


No! Match House is an intelligent application that automatically searches for customers looking for properties in your region. Just complete your initial registration, leave the application open in the background and wait while our technology searches for the most qualified customers to buy your property. immobile.

O Match House funciona em segundo plano?


Sim! O Match House é um aplicativo que continua funcionando em segundo plano enquanto encontra clientes mais qualificados em busca do seu imóvel.

O que significa segundo plano?


Segundo plano significa que você não precisa estar com ele aberto na tela principal do seu celular.

Você abre o app apenas uma única vez e deixa que ele trabalhe para você durante o resto do dia.

To register, do I need Registration?


Yes! One of the ways we can increase your security and that of people looking for properties, is to allow only registered real estate agents to participate in Match House

Is Match House safe?


Yes, we take every precaution to ensure that your information is fully protected.

Quais as vantagens de participar do beta?


O seleto grupo de agentes imobiliários e corretores de imóveis que decidirem participar do Beta terão as seguintes vantagens:

Clientes: Você tem acesso a todas as ferramentas premium do Match House e consegue dar Match com clientes sem ter que fazer nenhum investimento agora, só esperamos os seus feedbacks!

Decisão prioritária: Suas opiniões e feedbacks sobre o aplicativo terão peso adicional em nossas melhorias da plataforma.

Medalhas: Medalha de membro fundador do Match House, atestando que você foi um dos lideres pioneiros a participar do aplicativo.

Benefícios futuros: Membros fundadores do Match House recebem benefícios exclusivos no lançamento oficial. Além de muitas, muitas novidades que estão por vir :)

The most modern way of working with the real estate market
matched your property!
Apply to be one of the founding members of Match House.
✅ All your information is protected.