Política de Privacidade Match House
Match House ("Platform") connects Clients and Real Estate Agents ("Users") uniquely when it comes to buying and selling properties. With Match House, the Client has a personalized experience to find their dream property through automated searches and geolocation.
In addition to finding the ideal property, it's possible to connect with specialized Real Estate Agents, ensuring the perfect match between Clients and properties registered on the Platform.
By registering on our Platform, you agree to the terms and conditions of use ("Terms of Use"). If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you may not access or use Match House services.
The continuous use of the Platform implies acceptance of any changes or modifications made to the Privacy Policy.
To understand how everything works, we present the Privacy Policy that governs the relationship between you and Match House.
1. Data Collection:
1.1. Types of Data Collected. We collect the necessary personal data for the proper functioning of the Platform. The requested information may vary depending on the service used. The collected data includes:
a) Registration Data: full name, payment details, mobile number, email, CNPJ (Brazilian Companies Registry), CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registry), and/or CRECI (Real Estate Broker License), identity, and physical address;
b) Location Data: geolocation (GPS). You can enable and disable this function on your device.
c) Browsing Data: network connection, access logs to other applications, accessed screens, URLs, IP address, dates of access to the Platform, hardware information, and device operating system.
1.2. Use of Data. All collected data serve a purpose with legal basis, including:
a) Identification and support;
b) Proper performance of the Platform;
c) Fulfillment of contractual obligations;
d) Personalization of content, marketing actions, recommendation of products and/or services that may be interesting to you;
e) Studies and research, evaluation of usage trends;
f) Detect and prevent frauds and other security incidents.
1.3. Additional Requests. To add more value to the Platform, Match House may request and collect other information always with the aim of ensuring a high-value service and a secure environment.
1.4. Data Anonymization. The data collected for content personalization, research, and marketing purposes are anonymized, meaning that no personal or individual user information can be identified.
2. Cookies:
2.1. Definition of Cookies. We collect data through Cookies. Cookies are files that collect, store, and recognize connection data, ensuring the proper functioning of the Platform. They are also important to help Match House provide a better and more efficient user experience by tracking information such as languages, browsing preferences, performance, among others. Additionally, they may be used in marketing actions. You can disable cookies in your settings.
2.2. Note: Some features or services of the Platform may not work properly without cookies.
3. Data Sharing:
3.1. Data sharing with third parties will comply with legal requirements.
a) User permission;
b) Partners involved in continuous improvement cooperation, marketing, fraud prevention, information technology, Platform integration, and Real Estate Agents, but not limited to this list;
c) Information made public by you;
d) Compliance with the law, judicial, governmental, or any competent authority request to comply with legal procedures; and
e) Payment for products or services with partner platforms.
3.2. Match House does not, under any circumstances, commercialize personal information with third parties, except if expressly authorized or by legal request. Match House may, however, share statistical data that does not contain personal customer information. Partner suppliers are contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality of the information received.
3.3. Interactions. Match House does not sell properties but acts as a facilitator in connecting Clients and Real Estate Agents. For this reason, when associating with a Real Estate Agent and their services, Match House bears no responsibility for these services.
3.4. New Business Ventures. In the event of operations involving sales, bankruptcy, mergers, and acquisitions, Match House may sell, transfer, or share collected data. If this occurs, you will be notified in advance about the transfer and sharing of data.
4. Your Rights:
4.1. Requesting Information. You may request what information we collect, including usage information, correction requests, portability, and even deletion.
4.2. Data Deletion. Deletion requests will be fulfilled in accordance with the General Data Protection Law, and data may be stored for the period stipulated by other applicable laws and regulations related to the contractual purpose.
4.3. Communication Channel. At any time, you may express interest in no longer receiving communications about new Match House products and services. Questions, correction requests, information, and/or deletion requests should be formalized and sent through the official communication channel at info@matchhouse.com.br.
4.4. Stay Alert! The exercise of these rights may be subject to exceptions intended, for example, but not limited to, public interest or Match House's interest as provided by law. When your request cannot be fulfilled, Match House will respond indicating the reasons
5. Best Practices:
5.1. Personal Information Safeguarding. Ensure the proper protection of your access data to systems and platforms (login and password) to prevent fraud, leaks, or improper sharing of your personal data.
5.2. Proper Use. In the event of any violation of rules or engagement in illicit activities harmful to the functioning of the Platform or the security of other Clients and Real Estate Agents, Match House may take measures to identify the user and prevent such acts, resorting to legal measures.
6. Security:
6.1. Security First. Match House adopts all technical measures to enhance security in the processing of personal data, committing to notify its clients and the ANPD (National Data Protection Authority) about security incidents that may, in any way, jeopardize the stored data.
6.2. Data Management. Match House is responsible for protecting and managing its databases, use, access, and sharing, using the collected information within the limits and purposes of institutional activities.
7. Limitation of Liability:
7.1. Match House is not responsible for the Privacy Policy or the content of any websites, content, or services outside the Match House systems environment, even if linked to it through links.
8. Final Provisions
8.1. Term. This Privacy Policy shall be valid indefinitely.
8.2. Updates. In case of updates to this policy, you will be notified. If a period of 10 days elapses without any expression of disagreement, you agree to and tacitly acknowledge the updated policy.
8.3. Legal Changes. Any provision of this Privacy Policy that becomes null or ineffective due to future legal reasons shall be promptly replaced or updated, and the validity or effectiveness of the remaining provisions shall not be affected.
9. Questions:
9.1. If you have questions, complaints, or wish to request information about your personal data, you can do so by contacting the department responsible through the contact provided on the Platform and/or website.
9.2. Deadline. Upon notification of requests for information, modifications, corrections, and/or deletion, Match House shall have up to 30 business days to make the changes and/or respond to the requested information.
This Privacy Policy was published on 11/07/2023.